Just another perspective...

Sunday, April 10, 2005

So, I've decided...

...that instead of transporting all of my other posts (all like 6 of them) to this new blog, I'll just start anew. It's kind of a like blank slate. Since xanga was my first attempt at the whole blog society thang, maybe this is the natural progression. Eh, who am I kidding? The old entries weren't that exciting, and if you really want to read them, you can do so by clicking the "My 'old' Blog" link. But, I suppose if I found a really easy way to switch them over, then I wouldn't be opposed to the idea...

This weekend marks the end of my Spring Break [insert pouting face here]. I think it is proportionatly harder to go back depending on the amount of time you've had off. At least I found this to be the case when I came back after my 6 week Christmas vacation...Oh well, I guess 4 and 1/2 weeks isn't that bad for Easter vacation. :)

People have been trickling back to the Halls little by little, but today the flood gates flew wide open. Part of me is really happy to see my friends again, but another part will miss the quiet times I had while everyone was away. I learned to enjoy my alone time and found that when no one else is around, I rely even more on Him....which I should do anyway. This month has been a huge step forward in that direction--relying on Him completely. It's scary and amazing all at the same time.

Since this is one of my first entries I guess it would be nice if I could give you a good reason to keep coming back. But the truth is, I can't promise that I'll post anything inspiring or motivating. But because of the enjoyment I get out of typing my random thoughts even if just for me to read them at a later date, I can say that I will probably post regularly. If at any time you find my posts encouraging or just plain ridiculous, please feel free to leave kind and censored comments.

Alright. Well we finally got our sunshine back. I thought that the Midwest US had stolen it indefinitely. *sigh* I miss the warm weather of home, but I'm not complaining. Today's sun was better than the fog and clouds I've grown accustomed to seeing. After living here, I have developed a new appreciation for the rain though...

Whelp, that's all for now. I know, you were hoping for a huge entry that dragged on and on and on, but sorry, you'll have to look elsewhere! ;) I should get crackin on this research that is due tomorrow.

Something to ponder:

Sometimes it's hard to shine all the time. Some days it just doesn't come quite as easily. At those times just remember--the shining doesn't have anything to do with you. Maybe "shine" is the wrong word all together. We're just reflecting.

Son-beams. :)



  • At April 12, 2005 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Thanks for that Nan...it's been kinda hard to shine the past couple days...thanks for the reminder that it's not me.

    It amazes me that God knew I would need that this morning, and He gave it to you a couple days ago.

    *Sigh* What a beautiful God.

  • At April 12, 2005 7:36 PM, Blogger Nanette said…

    Wow Erin, that's fantastique!!

    Isn't it great that when we are willing to just openly reflect what He's shining on us it encourages others to do the same??

    Think of the chain reaction...


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