Just another perspective...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

We apologize for the delays...

...but the crew says we should be ready for take off in just a few moments. We appreciate your patience.

Well, we did have a bit of a snafu with the blog. Everytime I logged in it would tell me that I didn't have an active blog. But, no worries, the kinks have been worked out (obviously) and I look forward to posting again...later.

For now, I'm off to the lie-berry...yeah, on a Saturday, I know. I'm a 'lose-ah'.

K, cya.


  • At May 21, 2005 3:41 PM, Blogger Gretchen Magruder said…

    Glad you're back online! I'll be going to the shower you're hosting today....I'll eat a scone for you!

  • At May 23, 2005 5:41 PM, Blogger Nanette said…

    Hey! I hear that shower went pretty well... I'm sorry I missed it, but the commute (as I'm sure you can understand) is impossible at times. Even though it was a tea room and not a COFFEE HOUSE...[think about it--you want the room or the house?!?], I heard it was a great atmosphere.

    Hey, btw, I still want to stop by when I get back...or maybe go out for lunch? Let me know what/when is best for you!


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