Just another perspective...

Monday, April 17, 2006

if tomorrow never comes...

How do you balance living with an eternal purpose and living each day as if it was your last?

What if tomorrow never comes? I have long-term dreams, but I don't want to miss today...for daydreams.

If tomorrow never comes, I want to know that I'm living each day to the fullest.



  • At April 18, 2006 4:20 PM, Blogger erinlizabeth said…

    wow, what an amazing reminder...i have no idea how to do it...no idea what it looks like.

    good thing to chew on for awhile though

    ;pnr upi

  • At October 06, 2006 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    a piece of advice
    Sing as if no one is listening
    Dance as if no one is watching
    Love fully & Live Freely


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